Mobilization and the Dutch army in Dordrecht.
On this page, you will find photos of the mobilization in Dordrecht and photos related to the Dutch army in Dordrecht.
The photos below were taken at Buiten-Walevest in Dordrecht. Two barracks of the Corps of Pontonniers and Torpedists were located here. Photo 1 was taken in front of the entrance to the Old Pontonniers Barracks. We see sentries from the Corps of Pontonniers and Torpedists, presumably during the mobilization. In photo 2, we also see a sentry, but he is at the entrance to the Benthien Barracks. In photo 3, a group of soldiers from the Corps of Pontonniers and Torpedists can be seen in work attire. They are in the courtyard of the Benthien Barracks.
For the expansion of the collection, we are always looking for mobilization photos of the Dutch army in Dordrecht. You can contact us at:
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