New items in the collection.
On this page, you will often find items that do not fall into the categories of photos or documents. This includes helmets, uniforms, and equipment pieces, as well as other miscellaneous items. Exceptions where you will find photos and documents are in specific collecting categories such as:
- The Corps Pontonniers en Torpedisten in Dordrecht.
- Military and Mobilization.
- Air Defense Service in Dordrecht.
And so on…
Addition 15 March 2025:
- The LBD gas mask of a citizen from Dordrecht has been added to the page: Others - LBD Dordrecht.
Addition February 15, 2025:
- To the page: Others - The "Korps of Pontonniers and Torpedisten" - Equipment K P&T, the "Kribbekist" or foot locker of F.J. van den Doel has been added.
Addition February 15, 2025:
- To the page: Others - The "Korps of Pontonniers and Torpedisten" - Uniforms K P&T, the uniform of Willem de Vries-Lentsch, who fought in the May days of 1940 in Dordrecht, has been added.
Addition February 8, 2025:
- To the page: Others - Military and Mobilization, a Tegelaar kepie with blue piping has been added.
Addition November 2, 2024:
- To the page: LBD Dordrecht, an information booklet about what to do during air raids has been added.
Addition October 7, 2024:
- To the page: Corps of Pontonniers and Torpedists - Pocketbooks and identification tags, the war pocketbook of J.B. Bohré has been added.
Addition September 7, 2024
- To the page Corps of Pontonniers and Torpedists - Field Postcards, four field postcards from Pontonniers have been added.
- To the page: Corps of Pontonniers and Torpedists -, a regulation has been added for the construction of obstacles.
Addition September 1, 2024:
- Sleeve insiginia indicating the rank of skipper for an enlisted man of the Corps of Pontonniers and Torpedisten has been added to the Insignia page of the Corps Pontonniers and Torpedisten page.
Addition August 10, 2024:
A Tegelaar Kepi was added tot the page: "other items" - "Military and Mobilization" - The Tegelaar Kepi.
Addition July 20, 2024:
Two Tegelaar kepis were added to the page "other items" - "Military and Mobilization" - The Tegelaar Kepi.
Addition July 5, 2024:
- The document set Mr. Adrianus Poots has been added to the "others" page - LBD Dordrecht.
- A set of gaiters of the Army Maritime Engineer Corps has been added to the Korps Pontonniers and Torpedisten page - Equipment K P&T.
- A set of non-commisioned officer insignia of the Army Maritime Engineer Corps has been added to the Korps Pontonniers and Torpedisten page - Insignia K P&T.
Addition June 29, 2024:
A children's uniform with "Korps Pontonniers and Torpedisten" insignia has been added to the "Korps Pontonniers and Torpedisten -K P&T Uniforms page.
Addition June 21, 2024:
On the page: "The Korps Pontonniers and Torpedisten" - Equipment K P&T, a Dutch combat helmet has been added with an PT label.
Addition June 14, 2024:
The collar insignia of officer of the Corps of Pontonniers and Torpedists has been added to the "Corps of Pontonniers and Torpedists" page.
Addition May 17, 2024:
The collar insignia of an Adjutant or Ensign of the Corps of Pontonniers and Torpedists has been added to the "Corps of Pontonniers and Torpedists" page.
Addition February 18, 2024:
An Armband for a section commander has been added to the page "The Dutch Domestic Forces of Dordrecht".
Addition January 20, 2024:
A Dutch armband of the Rijksbureau voor Voedselvoorziening in Oorlogstijd ( National Bureau for Food Supply in Wartime) has been added to the "Others" page.
Addition November 25, 2023:
- Three archive sheets related to resistance raids in Dordrecht, Zwijndrecht, and Dubbeldam have been added to the collaboration and NSB page in Dordrecht.
- The personal warpocketbook ( military paybook )of Gerrit Nagel has been added to the Corps Pontonniers en Torpedisten page in Dordrecht.
Addition October 15, 2023:
- The wartime pocketbook ( military paybook )of Bastiaan van Lelieveld from Dordrecht has been added to the military and mobilization page.
Addition March 12, 2023:
- The conscription registration card has been added to the "Korps Pontonniers en Torpedisten" page in Dordrecht.
Addition February 23, 2023:
- The voluntary Landstorm shooting medal has been added to the Other Matters - Military and Mobilization page.
Addition January 14, 2023:
- The affidavit of honor of Adjudant-onderofficier van het Hoofd has been added to the Corps Pontonniers en Torpedisten page in Dordrecht.
Addition December 18, 2022:
- The document regarding air defense measures in the Kunstmin building has been added to the LBD Dordrecht page.
- The dogtag of military personnel Gradus P. van den Berg has been added to the page of the "Korps Pontonniers en Torpedisten" in Dordrecht.
Addition October 16, 2022:
- The crib box of conscript W v. Vuurde has been added to the page of the "Korps Pontonniers en Torpedisten" in Dordrecht.
Addition September 3, 2022:
- One photo of Anton Mussert in Zwijndrecht has been added to the page on Collaboration and NSB in Dordrecht.
Addition August 27, 2022:
- The page Captain Barkmeijers Uniform jacket - III-14 R.A." has been added to the "Others" section, featuring the aforementioned uniform jacket.
Addition August 07, 2022:
- A second "Oranje" armband of the Dutch Domestical Forces in Dordrecht during the liberation has been added to the page "Others - Dutch Domestic Forces in Dordrecht."
Addition August 6, 2022:
- A regulation with K P&T stamp has been added to the page "Others - Korps Pontonniers en Torpedisten in Dordrecht."
Addition July 29, 2022:
- A document from the Ortskommandantur Dordrecht addressed to the LBD Dordrecht has been added to the page "Others - LBD Dordrecht."
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