Dordrecht during world war two

A collection of historical items from World War II in Dordrecht.

Wanted: Additions for my collection. 

For the expansion of my digital museum, I am always looking for items from world war two. Do you own anything about Dordrecht or this region from world war two? I am happy to take it from you to expand my collection. Ofcourse you can also contact me if you have questions about certain items that are still within the family. I am happy to be of service.  

On the page: "Others" - "Extensive collection van der Hum" you will find an example of a legacy that found it's way to my collection. Al items will be photographed, categorized and provided with corresponding information. Afther that, It appears here on the website. 

Feel free to contact me via the contactform on your right of directly via: 


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